Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Winter of the moment

As I sit in my office, I am reminded that for some the winter is  a bitter period. They hide themselves away and become sad, during this season. 
The energy they have during other seasons seems to fade.

There are times when the winter raps itself around you and you feel it.  
I caught myself yesterday,wishing for spring to come. 
Thinking about the tulips and other beautiful flowers that will be coming. 

The colors will be vibrant and beautiful. 
There is a reason and a season for everything. 
Waiting in the winter of the moment is the hardest part.
There is enough warmth in the heart to last the season.
Be still and embrace the moment, for it lasts just a little while.


1 comment:

  1. Camilla,
    That was a beautiful illustration of what we do when we are not content in our current "season". Thank you for reminding me that the winter has a purpose and a value; it is to allow us to rest and get re-energized. We reset the clock so that we are ready for full-bloom in the spring. I suppose winter is a season of preparation and anticipation, rather than anxiety and unrest. Hmmmmmm.....
