Monday, January 18, 2010

A Change is coming... Are you ready?

The change is coming. It cannot be stopped. It is upon us and nothing we do is going to change that.  What we share in this world should be a common bond. How sad it is to not share something so important. The connection to our maker. We are all God's children no matter what continent we live one. There is one supreme being. It is not us.  The unimaginable happened again. our brothers and sisters in Haiti are in need of all the love and strength we can muster. Are you ready to change your priorities and think of another in need? Are you ready to fore go that cup of coffee to put clothes on the backs of those without. I am ready to fore go the unnecessaries to give others in need a chance at survival. Prayer is consistent for me. I am praying always without ceasing. When I sit I am praying. When I am driving I am praying. When I am having a conversation with someone. I am praying for a miracle. Pray with me each day for guidance and strength, for the poor and lame. For those who cannot find a way out. The change is coming...are you ready to a part of it. Change a life and give

Pray for peace, over the earth.


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